Daily Devotionals


When General Ulysses S. Grant lay dying, he called for his pastor. As his pastor stood by his bedside, Grant asked, “Tell me, will God receive me?”

“Yes,” he replied, “for the Lord said, ‘him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.’”

General Grant, at that moment came to the Lord. The pastor, both amazed and grateful for this startling conversation said, “God’s Kingdom had just gained a great man!”

Quietly, but with great sincerity and dignity Grant said, “God does not need great men, but great men need God.”

General Grant put things in the proper perspective. It is not uncommon for those who achieve status and power, prestige and importance to believe that God needs their help. We hear much about the résumés and financial statements of prominent people. We offer our respect and esteem to those who move across the world’s stage attempting to control world events. We speak of their efforts and accomplishments as though they keep the planet in orbit and from spinning out of control.

But in the final analysis they still need God’s grace, mercy and salvation as we do. God without man is still God. But man without God is nothing and is condemned to spend eternity in hell.

Prayer:  Father, we thank You with grateful hearts for Your salvation through Jesus Christ, Your Son. May we recognize Your Lordship and serve You with gladness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. John 6:37