Daily Devotionals


Whenever pennies were made in ancient Rome, they were always stamped with the image of the emperor on them. It served as a constant reminder to those who used the coins that they were expected to honor him and obey his laws.

In the opening verses of His Word, God said, “Let us make man to be in our image, to be like us.” Moses, quoting God, said that we have the image of our God on us. And the fact that we have the image of God on us proves our unquestionable worth to God.

People frequently talk about self-worth. Often we hear of individuals who have low self-worth. Some people even describe themselves saying, “I’m really not worth very much.” This seems to come from the opinions of others who they think are important – perhaps parents, friends or teachers. That is unfortunate because they seem to struggle to find something significant about themselves that would make them feel worthwhile.

However, it is never about self-worth, it is about God-worth. Whenever we are tempted to think that we have no significance or importance, we need to remind ourselves that we were created in the image of God. And even though that image was lost in the fall, the story does not end there. A few verses later God begins to reveal His plan of redemption which demanded the death of His Son on the cross. We see our true worth to God in Christ’s cross.

Prayer:  We admit, Father, that we cannot understand how much You love us. But we accept Your grace and ask that through Christ our Savior, we will see our worth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:  So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Genesis 1:26-31