Daily Devotionals


James Corbett was a one-time bank teller who became a world champion heavyweight boxer. One day while strolling through the woods he came upon a man fishing for trout. Intrigued, he paused to watch him.

Eventually he pulled out a very large trout, examined it carefully and threw it back into the stream. After a short time, he caught another large trout, measured it and then threw it back into the stream as he had with the first one. Finally he caught a trout half the size of the first two and kept it. Puzzled “Gentleman Jim” Corbett asked, “Why did you throw the two large trout back into the stream and keep the small one?”

“Small frying pan,” said the fisherman casting his line back into the stream.

Our vision can keep us in bondage. If we have small ideas about what we want to accomplish for God, that is exactly what we will do. If we attempt nothing, we will accomplish nothing, and our lives will amount to nothing.

If, on the other hand, we look to God for ideas that are worthy of Him, He will give them to us. And not only will He give us the ideas, but the inspiration and confirmation that we can do all things through Him if we do all things for Him. “By His mighty power,” Paul said, “He can accomplish more than we can ask or hope.”

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, it is obvious that You want us to do great things for You. Give us an unlimited view of what we can do for You and inspire us to do great things for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:    Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Ephesians 3:20