Daily Devotionals


Anne Lindbergh was a highly respected author as well as an aviator. Once, while visiting with a Japanese friend she remarked, “I understand that the Japanese honor the bamboo for prosperity and the pine for long life. But why is the plum honored for courage?”

“Because,” replied her friend, “the plum puts forth blossoms while the snow is on the ground. That takes courage.”

Courage is not the absence of fear – it is the willingness to face fear. It is not avoiding danger and hardship because we do not want what may come from them – but the determination to face danger and hardship with confidence and resolution. Courage is our willingness to accept new surroundings and situations knowing that God is with us, will protect us and provide for our safety and security if we go forward in His strength.

Think of Joshua. He was responsible for leading two million people into a strange new land and conquer it. The words strange and new are enough of a warning to frighten most of us and cause us to withdraw from a situation in fear. But that was not an option for him. Many tasks God calls us to do are challenging, frightening and appear overwhelming. But God will not put us in any situation without giving us the strength and skills to succeed. When God calls us to battle, He equips us to win.

Prayer:  Give us the faith and trust, Heavenly Father, to know that You love us too much to abandon us or will neglect to prepare us for every challenge we face. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:    Be strong and courageous, for you are the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their ancestors I would give them. Joshua 1:6