Daily Devotionals


A battered, old truck was rambling down a country road and approached a sharp right turn. Unfortunately, the driver applied the brakes but nothing happened. It missed the turn and ended up in a field.

Fortunately, the driver climbed out of the cab uninjured. Dusting himself off, he said to the crowd that gathered around him, “I reckon I should’ve bought brake fluid before I needed it!”

Procrastination presents problems. One of the problems for procrastinators is that what they tend to put off leads to crises. Like the truck driver ending up in a field. Fortunately, he ended up in a field with no injury to himself.

One unfortunate result of procrastinating is that it can result in irreversible consequences. This is true of those who face death thinking there will always be time to make things right with God. This is certainly one of Satan’s greatest accomplishments: convincing the lost to believe that “there will be time tomorrow. And if not tomorrow, the next day. Perhaps next week.” Not wise!

Satan takes great pleasure when he gets us to focus on tomorrow instead of today. He rejoices when we have “spiritual intentions” that we “reserve” for “tomorrow.” Those “intentions” include our promises to read His Word, pray, attend church and witness.

Prayer:  We pray, Father, for those who have delayed accepting You as Savior. May Your Spirit work in their hearts and help all of us to turn our intentions into actions. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today Don’t be like your ancestors who would not listen or pay attention when the earlier prophets said to them, “This is what the LORD of Heaven’s Armies says: Turn from your evil ways, and stop all your evil practices.” Zechariah 1:4