Daily Devotionals


Charlie Brown struck out for the fourth time in the same game. In deep despair he cried out, “Lucy! I’ll never make it. All of my life I’ve dreamed of playing in the big leagues. But I know now I’ll never make it!”

“Charlie,” she answered, “choose an immediate goal. When you go out to pitch, see if you can walk to the mound without falling.”

What’s in a goal?

GUIDANCE:  Establishing goals provides a process that enables us to accomplish worthwhile projects in life. Great things can be achieved when we know what we want to do. Goals enable us to make plans, solve problems, make decisions and set priorities. Then, at the end of the day, we can sit, review our progress or lack of it, redirect our steps and move forward.

OBJECTIVITY:  We all have days when we feel like giving up. But if we have a goal in front of us, we will be able to see progress and see that the struggle is really worth the effort.

ACCOUNTABILITY:  If we truly want to make a difference in this world, we can find an accountability partner who will work with us to encourage us to “get where we want to go.” Being accountable is difficult without someone looking over our shoulder.

LABOR:  Anything that has value and worth will require our hard work, patience, perseverance and prayer.

Prayer:  Father, You have given each of us a reason for living and a purpose to accomplish. May we  use the talents You have given us to achieve great things for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:    I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14