Guido Bible College
Different by design
GBC exists to EQUIP, ENABLE, AND EMPOWER Christ’s disciples to do what God has called each Christian to do: “Bear fruit and make disciples.”
God has created each of us to be different by design. And our differences are God’s gift to us to find and fill the unique purpose, place, and plan He has designed for each of us. All Christians have the same responsibility: “Go into all the world and make disciples!” But not all Christians have the same gifts. We are different by design.
Guido Bible College is different by design, too. It is a Christian college where Christ’s disciples gather together to study His Word and develop their God-given gifts to prepare for a lifetime of purposeful living. Whether serving as a lay-leader in a local church or traveling to a distant country to share His love as a foreign missionary, GBC’s programs will prepare you for a lifetime of service no matter where God places you.
Graduates find the GBC Difference empowers them to amplify their service in a wide variety of roles:
We offer the following Certificates and Degrees:
Certificate in New Testament and Theology
Certificate in Old Testament Studies and Communication
Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry
Because college provides an opportunity for you to expand your knowledge and deepen your understanding of ideas and insights into specific areas of subjects. It is a place to help you explore new ways of looking at and thinking about things that are important or make a difference to you. College enables you to identify your potential, discover, explore, and clarify your values. While in college you will be able to develop new skills in a safe environment. College is where you can meet and make new friends. Finally, and most importantly, college is where you can discover a purpose for your life.
Because the Word of God is at the heart of a Bible college and the Christian faith is central in all that is taught in all of the classes. The Message of the Bible is presented in a clear, meaningful, and practical way that permeates all studies. This approach to learning enables students to develop a Biblical worldview that equips them to see the world through the eyes of God and respond to life-situations as His Son would respond. The Message of the Bible is explained clearly and carefully in a simple, straightforward manner that makes sense, has eternal significance, yet can be applied to daily living, providing strength for the journey, guidance as needed, and peace in troubled times.
Guido Bible College is Christ-exalting, Word-focused, prayer-centered, servant-driven, and committed to “making disciples who will make other disciples.” Our faculty members are well known and highly respected for the effectiveness of their ministries and service as well as their superior knowledge of and ability to interpret and “bring to life” God’s Word.
Every teacher is or has been in ministry or has been a leader in a local church. If they “teach it, they have done it.” While theory may be interesting, experience is essential to prepare Christians to build God’s Kingdom on earth. They uniquely and purposely integrate Scripture for successful Christian living.
Their teaching fulfills our mission: we exist to equip, enable and empower Christians to discover their purpose and place in life to minister God’s grace wherever He leads them. We believe that God continually presents Christians with endless opportunities to share His Message of love, salvation, hope, and eternal life. More than gaining knowledge about the Bible, GBC is where students gain knowledge and learn skills that will prepare them to find fulfillment and purpose in a life worth living as you serve God wherever He leads you.
GBC programs are focused on the essentials of ministry:
a comprehensive understanding of every book in the Bible
a thorough study of theology and apologetics that equips students to be able to “defend the faith” through sound reasoning
skills on how to be a successful leader, teacher, or preach and effectively witness to others
how to develop and administer church programs. Our teachers live what they teach and are models of Jesus Christ and His teachings.
Year One: Certificate in Communication and Old Testament Studies
The first-year curriculum includes classes on communicating the Gospel through writing and public speaking, understanding the Bible, the geography of the Bible, and a survey of the Old Testament that includes The Pentateuch, The Historical Books, The Prophets and the literature of the Old Testament.
We begin by taking a look at communicating the Gospel through writing and public speaking. If we are to tell His story, knowing how to tell it in ways people can understand it is very important. So, the initial classes are designed to equip and enable students to share the Message in attractive ways and enable students to feel comfortable and confident while communicating with others. Then we have a class called Understanding the Bible. This class answers the question on whether we can trust the Bible or not. After all, it has 66 different books written by different authors covering years. It makes sense to want to know whether or not there are contradictions and how it all fits together. This class answers those questions plus many more.
After presenting reasons why we can trust the Bible, we investigate the geography of the Bible. Students examine topographical and geographical maps of Biblical Middle Eastern lands so they will know where and when things happened.
Next comes a detailed study of each book in the Old Testament: The Pentateuch – where things started; The Historical Books – where things happened; the Prophets – who said what to whom about God’s actions; and then the literature of the Old Testament – songs, stories, poetry, and proverbs that give practical guidance for facing life.
Year Two:
Certificate in New Testament Studies and Biblical Theology
The second year of study is centered around the details of the Life of Jesus, beginning with His birth and ending with the Great Commission, how the Message of Jesus was carried out by the disciples as recorded in Acts, a study of the writings of Paul and other writings in the New Testament, and the study of the Book of Revelation.
We look carefully at What He did, where He went, how He presented His Father’s love and truth to others, and His relationships with people from all walks of life, is carefully studied and the importance and implications that these events have for us today is thoroughly investigated. This is followed by a study of how the Message of Jesus was carried out by the disciples and others in the early church, and what it means for us today as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles.
Next is a study of the writings of Paul and other writings in the New Testament. Each letter is “opened up” to the students as though it were written to them personally. Lastly, the meaning and application of the Book of Revelation of Jesus concludes the studies of the New Testament.
How and what can we know, understand, and believe about God follows the New Testament studies. The study of theology – which comes from two Greek words –“theos” meaning God, and “logos, meaning “word” is presented in a challenging and exciting way. Courses in the Second Year curriculum examine methods and means of how God reveals Himself, how we can know that we know what we believe is accurate, what God is doing today, how we can defend our Christian faith, and how a Christian is to look at the world through thy lens of the Bible and make sense of things. Developing a clear and comprehensive understanding of and he ability to explain the Christian faith and what it means and how it works is the purpose of this section of the curriculum.
Students that complete both certificate programs above receive an Associates of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies and Practical Theology.
Students that want to receive a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies and Christian Ministry continue their studies into year three and four.
Year Three:
Pastor, author, and theologian John Stott once said, “Saving faith is a serving faith!” For the Christian, then, knowledge, though critical for the Christian, is not the end; service is. There are some who have studied the Bible all of their lives but have never shared their faith with anyone. How different from the early Christians. Their faith was lived out in their lives, and they changed the world. After a deep and penetrating study of the message of Jesus and the Apostles and a revival of eschatology in Year 2 studies, students begin an in-depth study of the Church - past, present and future – as the focus of Year 3. From its earliest beginnings and the state of missions and the global Church, students walk through history and understand what the Church has done effectively, where, why and how it has strayed from its purpose, what it needs to be doing today, and what is going on in and through missionary activities today.
We then review the beautiful stories in the Bible and what we can learn from them, carefully study the family and the impact society has on it and what can be done to strengthen it, and then look at the world’s religions by looking at numbers and trends of the world’s worship cultures.
Year Four:
The final year of study is devoted to learning the essentials of effective leadership and skill building. An overview of leaders in the Bible, Jesus as Leader, the pastor as leader, and how to develop leaders in the local church initiates this section of the bachelor’s degree.
Leadership skills can be learned by developing an understanding of what leadership is, investigating what great leaders do, and how learning from what successful leaders do can make church leadership a challenging and rewarding experience.
Following leadership studies, we turn to developing programs in a church by looking at the needs of church members and how to meet those needs in a way that is fresh and innovative. Studies include a series of “how to’s,” including witnessing, mentoring, teaching, and discipling.
The final semester concludes the program with an inquiry into how rural churches can develop outreach programs in and for rural communities by considering the “whole person,” to include spiritual, physical, emotional, social, and educational needs. Classes in psychology and pastoral care will provide students with the ability to assess individual and group needs and methods to meet those needs or how to develop a referral network.
Our curriculum incorporates a comprehensive exposure of the revelation of God in Scripture and creation through a thorough exposition of His Word. Our constant focus is to engage students in a program of instruction that will instill in them a life-long quest to know God personally and serve Him faithfully. All instruction is presented within the historical evangelical framework that gives shape and substance for a life of Christian living and service that reflects concern, compassion and care. Upon completion of the program of instruction, students will:
Accept the authority of Scripture as the inspired, and infallible Word of God as the only foundation for Christian faith, worship, and practice.
Present the message of the Great Commission in and through local churches, Christian organizations, and outreach activities to “make disciples who will make disciples.”
Recognize, understand, and respect individual differences and cultural distinctions as an essential element in building the Kingdom of God and critical to the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Demonstrate an attitude of acceptance of and the ability to work with evangelicals who have different theological perspectives, in the ministry of redemption, reconciliation, and restoration.
Develop a Christian worldview, and the ability to present and explain that view to others that will protect and defend the “faith once delivered.”
Minister the grace of God, in various contexts and situations, to individuals and groups who have physical, educational, mental, and social, as well as spiritual needs.
Guido Bible College offers two certificate programs that can “stand alone” or lead to an Associate of Arts degree. The initial year of study leads to the Certificate in Communication and Old Testament Studies. The second year of study leads to the Certificate in New Testament Studies and Biblical Theology. When a student completes both certificate programs, he or she earns an Associates of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies and Practical Theology.
An essential element in both certificate programs is the Ministry and Spiritual Formation requirements. The goal of this area of study is to provide valuable insights into how to learn the essentials of a devotional life and to develop the skill of ministry with a mentor. These programs of study, when united, lead to an approach to ministry that combines knowledge, skills, and attitude – the foundational elements of successful Christian living and effective church service.
Guido Bible College also offers a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies and Christian Ministry to those who have earned the Associate degree from the College or have an equivalent associate degree. This program of study builds upon, expands, and further refines and develops the knowledge and skills taught in the Associate program. It includes in-depth studies of the church from its inception in the Book of Acts through the global church today and the history of mission; studies in the family and society; leadership, church programs; counseling and pastoral care. This comprehensive, rigorous program will equip students to fill most roles in churches, small or large, rural or urban.
There are three semesters each year. Each semester consists of three different, one-month classes in which the students earn three hours of college credit for each class. The classes are held on Monday and Thursday evenings beginning at 6:00 p.m. The cost of each class is $150 per 3 hour course, which includes all texts, materials, and related expenses. We offer two certificate programs that can stand alone, or lead into an Associate of Arts degree. The Certificate Program can be completed in 1 year, the Associate Degree Program in 2 years, and the Bachelor’s Program in 4 years.
The mission of Guido Bible College is to equip, enable, and empower Christians to effectively present God’s message of redemption and reconciliation through Word and deed. Ministry today is no longer limited to church services on Sunday or Wednesday evening. The people with the greatest needs are often found outside of the church - waiting and wanting, searching and seeking, looking and listening - for an outstretched hand of compassion and care.
Guido Bible College prepares students to be as unlimited in their ministry as God is in His love. Our overarching goal is to help individuals achieve their calling wherever God calls them - even to the ends of the world!
Sunday School Teacher / Edler / Youth Leader / Family Shepard / MIssionary Work / Adult Ministries / Maturing Christian Worldview / Deacon / Pastor / Children's Ministries / Church Administrators / Prison Ministries and Outreach / Personal Spiritual Growth & Biblical Knowledge / Assisted Living Facilities
“Blessed are those who hear the word of God and put it into practice.” Luke 11:28
Guido Bible College exists to quip, enable and empower individuals called to to serve God with knowledge, understanding, skills and a servant attitude. The journey to service begins with an emphasis on learning the original, intended message and meaning of Scripture when it was written and its practical application to “doing life today.” Students are challenged to search for truth as revealed by God in His Word, His work in creation and in His World. However, for knowledge to have value, it must not become an end in itself: it must be translated into the actions and attitudes of the student who in turn will transmit the knowledge and understanding of the Gospel to others. In the final analysis it is one disciple making another disciple who, together, will follow the example of Jesus in “doing life” by serving and discipling others.
We accept the Bible as the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God.
We pursue a culture of prayer, worship as foundational in who we are and what we do.
We equip, enable, and empower Christians “to go and make disciples of all nations.”
We emphasize the importance of growing into the likeness of Jesus Christ, our Savior, and Lord.
We require students to serve the Lord faithfully in and through the local church.
We admit that we are totally dependent on God for all that we are and have and submit to Him alone.
The beginning of Guido Bible College has its roots in the early ministry of Guido Ministries. Although no certificates, diplomas or degrees were awarded, the founder, Michael A. Guido, D.D., was well-known and deeply loved for his knowledge of God’s Word and his ability to teach the truths of Scripture in heart-warming and life-changing Bible studies. Traveling throughout the state of Georgia and across America his interpretation of the Bible and explanation of the message and meaning of profound themes and doctrines resulted in a teaching ministry that included radio and television programs as well as numerous publications that covered the globe.
To establish his intense love for the study of God’s Word and sharing His truths, Guido Bible College was founded in 2010. With extensive studies in all areas of knowing, understanding, applying and sharing the message of the Gospel the College is committed to “doing things no other evangelical ministry has ever done to reach individuals who have never been reached before.” This resulted in developing a program of study to educate and equip Christian leaders.
Spiritual Formation addresses major elements of ministerial life. Topics include worship, prayer, meditation, obedience, praise, fasting, stewardship, humility, discipleship, surrender, wellness, and family.
The topics incorporated in the sessions are areas of Christian living that those in ministry will recognize as essential elements in the lives of those they serve. These topics are also incorporated into the units of instruction that will be addressed by teachers throughout the term.
Christian Service is required of all students enrolled in the College throughout their program. This is the hands-on utilization of theology, i.e., “applied theology” when students actually “apply” classroom teaching(s) in practice. There will be monthly meetings with a faculty member to review the student’s ministry activities, integration of classroom instruction, and its practical application.
These sessions will include discussions on the plans, progress, and problems of the student’s ministry and identify multiple insights for various approaches to utilize classroom instruction.
An integral part of this component is to evaluate the student’s understanding and application of the learning objectives of the college to Christian ministry and validate individual ministerial effectiveness and personal growth.
Each student will identify an area of Christian ministry that aligns with their perceived calling as well as their skill or talent level and personal interests and invest four (4) hours per week in that activity Activities may include:
Personal witnessing
Mentoring/discipling others
Musical programs
Other church or mission related program
Candidates for admission are required to provide evidence of their acceptance of and surrender to Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, evidence of proven Christian character, and a desire, willingness and commitment to serve Him as they have been called. The candidate must demonstrate a lifestyle that is consistent with the standards of conduct that are expressed in the Bible, and a daily walk with Christ that reflects a devotional life that produces compassion, discipline, spiritual and emotional maturity.
Submission of a completed application.
Evidence of their acceptance of and surrender to Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. This must be in the form of a detailed written testimony describing the candidate’s life before conversion, the conversion experience, and life since conversion.
Evidence of proven Christian character. Character references from the candidate's pastor, Christian mentor(s), and friends will be considered.
Evidence of a lifestyle that is consistent with the standards of conduct that are expressed in the Bible and a daily walk with Christ that reflects a devotional life that produces compassion, discipline, spiritual and emotional maturity. A positive recommendation from a minister or designated leader in the church, as well as other character references, will serve as verification of this lifestyle.
References that show candidates to be active members in an evangelical protestant church and regular participants in worship and educational activities.
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